So it's been a little while. Six years, one month, and nine days, to be precise.
My last post was that long ago, and is an ironic exultation of newfound motivation to make something of this blog. I had aspirations of turning this into some sort of successful comedy blog. My expectations and priorities have shifted significantly over the past six years.
I have no grand plans for making a living on comedy blogging. I may still post some humorous original content here, but I wouldn't be counting on it any time in the near future. If anyone is even reading this, you may wonder why I'm even bothering to write and publish this. I'm asking myself the same question.
I have a million different projects I've started and left half-finished (more like 1% finished, if I'm being honest). Over the last six years since I've abandoned this blog I have attempted to write a novel, imagined multiple small business I never started, tried to make a video game multiple times, tried to sell beef jerky, make a living colorizing photos, and countless other imaginings that never got off the launching pad.
I've had some successes as well. If you're reading this, you probably know me personally. I met an amazing woman who is now my wife and mother of my unborn son. We bought a house. She started a small business and is kicking ass at it. I've continued to advance my career in digital marketing/ad tech. Overall I've been doing far better than I expected to, in spite of all of my creative failures. Those failures I still firmly believe are not due to a lack of creativity or passion. Six years ago I may have blamed the ever-elusive motivation. However, some more inspiring people than myself have led me to believe that motivation will never be enough to get you to where you want to be. Motivation works as long as it's fun. In order to push through the writer's block, the self-doubt, and the many other roadblocks and curve balls life throws your way, that takes discipline.
But I'm not here to play motivational speaker, even if I'm only speaking to myself. The real reason I'm writing this is that I'm getting ready to take an awesome trip to Europe with my wife and I may decide to write about it. I've taken two previous trips to Europe: one to Germany, and another to Denmark. I will be returning to both, as well as spending one day in Holland. While my previous trips have been memorable, I really wish I had documented them better. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but you know what else is?
A thousand words.
So I'm hoping I'll get a chance to write about some of my experiences, especially those that are not captured on film. The older I get the more I forget. I want to remember this, and I want to share it with anyone who is interested. I'm working on my own website where I will have a multitude of various blogs. It isn't done yet, though, and I won't get it to a place where it will be ready before I leave. Therefore, I am re-purposing this blog—at least temporarily—to document our European trip.
We'll see if I actually post anything. If not, maybe I'll put something here in six more years.